Doing? Or Being?
Eric Bryant Eric Bryant

Doing? Or Being?

When we think we’re measured or rewarded by God based on what we do and not who we are, we get stuck in self-condemnation. And fear. And we all know where that road leads!

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Get the Order Right
Eric Bryant Eric Bryant

Get the Order Right

When we get God’s order wrong, the abundant life, which starts as an inside condition, will elude us. But when we get the order right, we manifest Christ’s abundant life that is in us. You’ve often heard Pastor Mike say, “Get the order right!” What does this mean? It means that our God rules a kingdom that operates according to principles and order. Often we do not experience the abundant life God has for us—not because He hasn’t given it to us—but because our lives are not in proper order.

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That’s My Jam
Eric Bryant Eric Bryant

That’s My Jam

Zephaniah 3:17 is a reminder of the incredible love and joy that God has for His people. He is not a distant and dispassionate God; He is the Mighty Warrior who rejoices over us with singing. May we seek Him, trust in His forgiveness, and rejoice in His deliverance. In doing so, we will find ourselves dwelling securely in the shadow of His wings, where no trouble can ultimately harm us, and where His love, grace, and mercy will sustain us through every storm.

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Time to Cross Over
Eric Bryant Eric Bryant

Time to Cross Over

Like most Christians, I lived most of my Christian life with the false belief that the seen and temporal realm was the primary one. And it’s understandable why we do; the seen, temporal realm is the one that speaks the loudest. But the truth is: The unseen, eternal realm is the one which supersedes the seen and temporal. It is the realm where the Kingdom of God is. Therefore, the unseen, eternal realm is the realm where God’s rule and reign originate.

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Get Your Shift Together
Eric Bryant Eric Bryant

Get Your Shift Together

Muhammad Ali once said, “It is the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And when belief becomes a deep conviction, things change.” We aren’t preaching some New Age, “name it and manifest it” teaching. As Christians, we confess the truths and promises already given to us in God’s Word until we believe them. This is the “shift” in our thinking and believing (our repentance) that leads to abundant life.

Listen to Pastor Mike exhort us to “get our shift together” so that we may believe the full Gospel of our salvation!

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