Welcome to Our Ministry!

The Sounds Family DNA is all about experiencing the extravagant love of God and the full gospel of grace.

Our hearts are open to the sound of heaven and to relay that sound to others in an authentic, relational, and conversational setting everywhere we go.

“This is real love—not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins." (1 John 4:10).

"Forget everything you know"


Somewhere around 1997, in a struggle to identify what I really believed—as opposed to what I had naturally adopted as a result of being in church all my life—I believe I heard the Lord challenge me to “forget everything you know.” Little did I know that “Sounds and Conversations” was being birthed that day in a one-bedroom apartment on a college campus.

The movement of that vision came into time in January 2017. Since then I have been “repenting” or re-thinking all things, giving God full access to teach me again over and over and to reveal heaven to me. It’s my humble honor to lead the ministry/movement known as “Sounds and Conversations”.

“Our hearts are open to the sound of heaven and to relay that sound to others in an authentic, relational, and conversational setting everywhere we go.”

—Pastor Mike

Cliff Cravens was born and raised in Dallas, TX. He accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior at an early age and began to serve immediately as a junior deacon. Cliff soon began studying the word of God and soon accepted the call to preach and teach the Gospel. Cliff has served as associate minister and is a former youth pastor of nine years.

He received his education from Brookhaven College, Dallas Baptist University and later attended the University of TX in Arlington. Cliff loves spreading the message of God's Love and serving the community. He currently runs a non-profit called Dallas My Ride that assists seniors and people with disabilities. You can connect with Pastor Cliff on Facebook.

He is married to his lovely wife Keisha Cravens, and they have two boys, CJ and Christian Cravens. In his spare time, he loves spending time with family and friends, listening to music of all kinds, watching comedy and is an avid gamer.

“Let’s spread the Gospel of God's Love and the ultimate sacrifice Jesus paid for our sins. Let’s love each other as hard as we can, for as long as we can, while we can. For tomorrow is not promised.”

—Pastor Cliff

"Spread the Gospel of God's Love"

 What We Believe …

• In one eternal God, who exists eternally in three Persons—the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God IS LOVE.

• The Bible is God’s inspired, perfect blueprint for our lives.

• That sin has separated mankind from God, and that only through Jesus Christ can mankind be reconciled to God.

• Jesus Christ is God revealed to mankind. He was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life and became the sacrifice and penalty that was due mankind. He conquered death and was ascended to heaven and now resides at the right hand of God the Father. He now lives forever as the mediator between mankind and God.

• Salvation is God’s free gift credited to anyone who confesses and believes in the finished work of Christ on their behalf.

• Baptism is a believer's privilege to announce publicly to the world their belief in Christ.

• The Holy Spirit's function is to convict the world of sin to lead them to Christ—and a believer’s Comforter to convince them of their righteous standing before God the Father.

• In the operation of every gift of every believer as apportioned by Christ when He rose from the dead.

• Partaking of the Holy Communion as a believer's daily privilege and celebration in re-identifying themselves with Christ’s death and resurrection.

• The FULL GOSPEL OF THE GRACE OF GOD that transforms, heals, and provides - leading us into the abundant life of God.

• God’s grace is free to all the world.

• In the second coming of Christ to renew all things and to set the record straight.