Living to Die, Dying to Live
Eric Bryant Eric Bryant

Living to Die, Dying to Live

When you really get revelation of this down in your spirit, you begin to see that the whole Christian life is simply one of reckoning—of catching up with the Spirit’s revelation that your old self died and all that is left is Christ in your dead vessel, enlivening it and living His life unto the Father, as if it were you. You have exited the building. You’ve been removed from the equation.

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Follow the Leader
Eric Bryant Eric Bryant

Follow the Leader

The story of Jonah serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of pride and the importance of humility and obedience in following God's will. Jonah's journey from prideful rebellion to humble submission reminds us of the need to put aside our own desires and ego in order to align ourselves with God's plan and experience His mercy and grace.

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Please Leave A Message, No One Is Available To Receive Your Call!
Eric Bryant Eric Bryant

Please Leave A Message, No One Is Available To Receive Your Call!

The story of Jonah teaches us that disobeying God's call to a task can lead to personal difficulties and disruptions in the lives of others. It emphasizes the importance of heeding divine guidance promptly and wholeheartedly, as doing so not only aligns us with our purpose but also brings about positive change and growth, both for ourselves and those around us.

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I Got Dipped
Eric Bryant Eric Bryant

I Got Dipped

Death, for a Christian, is not just something that happens after our biophysical machine stops working. Death also happened when you were baptized! “Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death?” (Romans 6:3-11).

Watch two baptisms take place as Pastor Mike and Pastor Cliff teach on being hidden in God through baptism!

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I’ve Lost All My Strength
Eric Bryant Eric Bryant

I’ve Lost All My Strength

I’ve spent many seasons of defeat, demoralization and aguish in my Christian life. There were a lot of reasons for that. But they could all be boiled down to one area of ignorance: I still thought I had enough strength to do it!

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