Salt and Light, Pt. 2
Eric Bryant Eric Bryant

Salt and Light, Pt. 2

I can honestly say that I didn’t start experiencing real growth until I got hold of my identity in Christ. It released me from thinking that the Christian life was more about doing things for Christ instead of being who I am in Christ.

Listen to Pastor Cliff teach us more about our identity in Christ in Part 2 of “Salt and Light.”

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I Am Your Deliverer
Eric Bryant Eric Bryant

I Am Your Deliverer

Jesus Christ is our Life. He is the only One who has life; we cannot deliver ourselves. Only Christ can deliver us. When you see that, you stop striving to “be your own deliverer” or “get your act together.” You rest in the truth that “It is accomplished,” (John 19:30). Peter says that God’s “ … divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness …” (2 Peter 1:3).

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Salt and Light
Eric Bryant Eric Bryant

Salt and Light

Being salt and light are about your identity. And your identity doesn’t change based on the clothes you wear or your outward conduct, or on any external reality.

Listen to Pastor Cliff teach us more about what it means to be the salt of the earth and light of the world.

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The Arsony of God
Eric Bryant Eric Bryant

The Arsony of God

If we look at the fires of our lives from a natural, seen, and temporal perspective, these fires burn and injure us. But if we look at the fire with spiritual eyes, God joins us in the midst and turns it into the fire of God which purifies, heals, and even delivers us.

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I’m Feeling Myself
Eric Bryant Eric Bryant

I’m Feeling Myself

Perhaps no other vice will destroy your fellowship with God more than pride. What makes pride so insidious is how cleverly it hides from sight. We usually don’t know when we’re operating in pride; it lurks around in the shadows of our subconscious, causing all sorts of problems for us.

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