Salt and Light

Jesus told us that we are both salt and light (Matthew 5:13-16). Salt has many properties, but one is that it purifies things that it is put in. Here’s a question for you: If salt is a purifier, how can it not itself already be pure? The real you—your spirit in union with Christ’s Spirit—is already pure. That’s why you can be a purifier of others.

Salt is also a preservative; it is often put in food to keep it fresher longer, to keep it from spoiling. But if salt keeps things from spoiling, it can’t also spoil itself, can it? There is no such thing as “spoiled salt.” If it is salt, then it keeps from spoiling; that is the very nature of salt.

One of the definitions of “salvation” is “being preserved.” You are saved. You are a preservative for others. You cannot spoil. There is an incorruptible Seed within you that can never spoil. This Seed, the Holy Spirit, is what can keep others from spoiling, as well.

Jesus also said that we were the light of the world. Like salt, light also has many properties, but one of these is that light illuminates things in the dark. But if light illuminates, must it not also be illuminated? The real you—your spirit in union with Christ’s Spirit—is already light. You already have been “enlightened” with the truth of Christ and the Gospel. Therefore, you shine forth that truth from your identity. How can you be light to others if you are not already light yourself?

Being salt and light are about your identity. And your identity doesn’t change based on the clothes you wear or your outward conduct, or on any external reality.

Listen to Pastor Cliff teach us more about what it means to be the salt of the earth and light of the world.


I Am Your Deliverer


The Arsony of God