I'm Running Back
By the grace of God, there came a point in my Christian life when I realized that I would never escape the Romans 7 trap if I kept believing that I could obey God. But once I saw in the spirit that it is actually Christ in me Who is obeying God, my life started to change. Paradoxically, I began “obeying God on accident.” I realized the truth of Romans 6 — I really did die with Christ.
Listen to Pastor Cliff teach us the blessings, healing, and deliverance that come from true obedience to God.
Knowing God Means Knowing God's Word
Jesus once said: “You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life” (John 5:39-40).
This is the danger of not drawing the distinction between the Bible and the Word of God. It makes the Scripture itself to be life. But only Jesus is the life. Listen to brother Brett teach us about knowing God and knowing His word.
Show Me More of Your Goodness and Glory
We make this Christian life a heavy burden and a suffocating yoke for believers. But it isn’t supposed to be this way. It’s only this way because we haven’t understood Who’s doing the work. What does Philippians 2:13 say? It says it is God who is doing the work, not I. But if I don’t know that, I will continue to try to work to produce righteousness and holiness, which paradoxically makes them “dead works.”
Resurrection Sunday, Part III
The natural mind, however, cannot receive these spiritual truths. To the natural mind, “seeing is believing.” But to the spiritual mind, “Believing is seeing.” It’s backwards. Not knowing this backwards kingdom economy causes us lots of frustration as Christians. Listen to Pastor Mike conclude our Resurrection Sunday series on how we can believe the right truths about Jesus.
To consecrate is to purify and dedicate to a special purpose. Our Lord already consecrated us by His wondrous sacrifice on the Cross. He is now with us always, doing the will of the Father in us.