Who Do Men Say That I Am?

Who is Jesus to you? Have you paused to think about this question? What does our Lord mean to you? Who is He, and who does He say that I am? Do you know who you really are in Christ? The Devil wants us focused on ourselves, instead of focusing on who Jesus is, and who we are as a result. All that Jesus is, God has given to us. Romans 8: 17 reminds us, “Now if we are children, then we are heirs--heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ...”

Here are some things I wrote down when Pastor Mike asked me, “Who is Jesus to you?”

  • Great Shepherd comes to mind first

  • Metaphysically, He is the Life

  • He is the LORD my Righteousness

  • My husband who loves me with an endless love

  • Bread of Life

  • My total sufficiency

  • The Hope of Glory who lives within me, as me

God is not interested in what you can do for Him. He’s interested in what Jesus already did for you. Who is Jesus to you? Put a comment below or on our Facebook page.


Common Union