Cellphones - Protection vs. Privacy
Satan is called the prince of the power of the air for a reason. Media travels across airwaves, and there is no medium that is more infected by the kingdom of darkness than media. Social media in particular poses unique threats and obstacles to our spiritual development.
One of the keys of kingdom culture is learning to monitor and safeguard our ingestion and consumption habits. This includes media. From advertising to xBoxes, news programs to Netflix, a large portion of media is designed to make us feel depressed, broke, angry, afraid, anxious, ugly, overweight, and unloved. Additionally, much of media’s hidden agenda is to invade our private lives, collecting immense amounts of personal data to force feed us products and services.
Selfies and filters create illusory realities that people hide behind. Media often shrouds reality behind a glossy veneer of false smiles and fake friendship. When people care more about likes and shares than about genuine connection, problems arise. Media can present to us a filtered, distorted vision that takes us further away from Jesus than closer to Him.
Social media is ubiquitous. Many of us spend countless hours scrolling through Instagram, TikTok, or Facebook feeds. But what are we really searching for? Far from simply being a source of information and entertainment, media is often a source of misinformation and manipulation. Is this beneficial for our spiritual development? Join the Sounds Family for this insightful session on how social media impacts our ability to hear the sounds of heaven.